Suggestion about quicken implement of compulsive inherent defect insurance system in China 关于加快在全国范围内强制实施建筑工程质量保险制度的建议
This condition creates an inherent defect in the battery. 这种情况会使电池产生一种内在的故障。
Having evolved when the pace of life was slower, the human brain has an inherent defect that prevents it from absorbing several streams of information simultaneously and acting on them quickly. 由于在其进化期间,人类的生活节奏较为缓慢,人脑形成了固有的缺陷,不能同时接收来自多个渠道的信息并迅速进行处理。
The carrier shall not be liable for the destruction or loss of, or damage to, any carry-on articles or checked baggage of the passenger if such destruction or loss or damage resulted solely from the inherent defect, quality or vice of the baggage. 旅客随身携带物品或者托运行李的毁灭、遗失或者损坏完全是由于行李本身的自然属性、质量或者缺陷造成的,承运人不承担责任。
As the coming of knowledge economy, the inherent defect of available financial reporting system is much more obvious. Besides, for it is adaptable in industrial economy, it cannot do well in new economic circumstance. 随着知识经济形态的出现,现行财务报告体系固有的一些弊端变得更加突出,并且,现行财务报告体系是适应工业经济环境的,它在新的经济环境下表现出了很多不适应。
The inspection principle and inherent defect of the full automatic headlamp tester widely used now in our country are analyzed. 分析了目前国内广泛使用的全自动前照灯检验仪的检测原理,剖析了该检验仪的固有缺陷。
Market economy has inherent defect, and national economy wants to pursue the object of total balance and has to coordinate and optimize the industrial structure, as a result, the government has to intensify administration on real estate exploitation activities. 由于市场经济存在内在缺陷,再加上国民经济要追求总量平衡的目标,要不断调整和优化产业结构,这就要求政府必须对房地产开发活动加强管理。
A simple FSE prescan scheme, which could overcome the inherent defect of FSE, was proposed. 提出了一种简单的预扫描方案,可以有效克服FSE成像方法的固有缺陷。
However, incomplete information and inherent defect of government always lead the banking supervising to be failure, and bring the system of banking supervising on incentive incompatibility at last. 然而,信息的不完全以及政府的内在缺陷往往导致监管失灵,致使银行监管体制与监管目标激励不相容。
The essay discloses the inherent defect of the special compensation system which fails to keep a good balance between the parties concerned. 揭示了特别补偿制度的固有缺陷,即没有充分平衡救助人与被救助人的利益关系,在形式上充满了不确定性。
It remedies the inherent defect of old arc compensation coil and enhances system stability and substation automation level. 它的出现,弥补了老式消弧线圈自身的缺点,提高了系统稳定运行和变电站综合自动化水平。
To some extent, the cinafe colouration of SEM will make up some inherent defect of the electron microscope. 彩色可增加照片的反差对比,增强表现力,在一定程度上弥补了电镜的一些固有缺陷。
Yet, because of its inherent defect, the technology of cement-powder jet pile should be perfected further and be replaced by advanced technology. 但粉喷桩由于其固有的缺陷存在,有待进一步进行完善,用先进的技术进行替代。
Though UV detection has made a series of achievements, its inherent defect which leads to slow photoresponse is still a problem. 尽管在紫外探测方面取得了一些列研究成果,但由于其本身的缺陷导致的慢光电响应仍是一个难题。
However the traditional accounting index in measuring enterprise value inherent defect, Traditional accounting indexes such as EPS, roe did not consider the opportunity cost of equity capital, difficult to objectively reflect the value of the business. 然而传统会计指标在衡量企业价值方面存在固有的缺陷,传统会计指标如每股收益、净资产收益率等没有考虑权益资本的机会成本,难以客观公正的反映企业的价值。
Many of the small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises in China due to inherent defect, resources and insufficient capacity, in brand awareness and construction, still appear relatively backward. 我国众多的中小农业企业由于固有的缺陷,资源和能力不足,在品牌意识和建设方面,还显得比较滞后。
However, the market is not all-purpose, the market mechanism in the regulation of economic operation has its inherent defect, which lead to the market failure. The unfair distribution of income is market failure is a manifestation of. 然而市场并不是万能的,市场机制在调节经济运行方面有其自身固有的缺陷,从而导致市场失灵,其中收入分配不公就是市场失灵的一种表现。
Because of the early utilitarianism thought and new liberalism cannot solve the inherent defect of market mechanism. The state interventionism comes from social benefits and John Rawls justice theory idea. 由于早期的功利主义思想和新自由主义思潮无法解决市场机制的固有缺陷,于是社会利益观念和罗尔斯的正义论催生了国家干预主义。
However, it has inherent defect because it is not founded on the basis of capital operation. 但它并非以资本运营为基础自发形成,存在先天性缺陷。
Artificial potential field method with its simple structure, intuitive and easy to real-time control characteristics, and it has been used widely, but this method itself also exist the inherent defect, i.e. the local minimum points problem. 人工势场法以其结构简单、直观和易于实时性控制的特点,得到了广泛的应用,但该方法自身也存在着固有的缺陷,即局部极小点问题。
Film stress is inherent defect of film materials and can lead to distortion, so the analysis of film stress has significance on control of film quality. 薄膜应力是薄膜的固有缺陷,应力释放会产生形变导致薄膜缺陷,所以该研究对薄膜质量的控制具有重要意义。
Business tax inherent defect and value added tax special advantages, have been recognized universally. 营业税固有的缺陷和增值税的特殊优越性,已经得到普遍的认可。
Mixing inefficient zone is the inherent defect of the forced action mixer, which seriously affects the mixing quality and efficiency. 搅拌低效区是该类机型的固有缺陷,严重地影响了混凝土的搅拌质量和效率。
To the small and medium-sized enterprise value, successfully resolved the lack of small and medium-sized enterprises collateral financing respect such as inherent defect. 对中小企业的价值在于,成功地解决了中小企业抵质押物不足等融资方面的固有缺陷。
We should overcome the inherent defect of the traditional profit, must introduce fair value, make the profit approach the value and wealth even more, meet demands of investor. 要克服传统利润的固有缺陷,必须引入公允价值,使利润更接近于价值和财富,满足投资者的需要。
The method presented in this paper can overcome the inherent defect of both the traditional contact-type and the novel non-contact type of detection effectively, and meet the needs of high-speed railway OCS detection. 本论文提出的方法能克服接触网传统接触式和非接触式检测的固有缺点,能满足高速铁路接触网检测的需要。
In order to overcome subjective weighting and objective weighting the inherent defect of existence, combining with the subjective weighting compatible matrix analysis the paper puts forward the method of entropy, based on the calculation of weight of the index. 为了克服主观赋权法和客观赋权法存在的固有缺陷,本文结合主观赋权法中的相容矩阵分析法提出了改进的熵值法,以计算各指标的权重。
However, there is some inherent defect due to the plane wave approximation. 然而基于平面波近似的叠加成像方法存在固有的缺陷。
However, the end bearing and shaft resistance loss a lot, because of the inherent defect of piles cast in place ( mud in the end and side of piles). All of these will arouse adverse impact on the control of settlement. 但是由于钻孔灌注桩存在固有缺陷(桩底沉渣和桩侧泥膜),导致桩端阻力和桩侧摩阻力显著降低,对沉降控制造成不利的影响。
Because the traditional identification techniques have inherent defect, people are turning to research what is based on biometric identification technology, compared with traditional technologies, this new technology can effectively compensate for its flaws and shortcomings. 由于传统身份识别技术的固有缺陷,人们开始转向研究基于生物特征的身份识别技术,与传统技术相比,这种新兴技术能够切实的弥补它的缺陷与不足。